me myself nd i ღ fabolousixteen "If you can't make it good at least make it LOOK good" Keep calm nd enjoy the life xx ig? @hawanamohd

Saturday, March 9

Birthday! xx

Oyeah today is my bestfriend's birthday ^^ I wish happy born day to Fatin Razlina Razali. Hope
always happy nd success in ebelithing! May Allah SWT blessing you. 
Hang dah besaq naa skrg, jgn lupa ceq kt sini XD ahaha *penang accent*

Since this year, my friends masing2 bt haluan sndri. Ada yg merntau jauh smpi ke Pahang, Soromban
nd Sembrong dll lg laah <: It socay, demi kebaikan nd future yuolla jgk kn?
Nt bila masing2 have the own carrier.. we organise some reunion k :D Kehkeh , ntaa3 masa tu
you gueiss dah ada anak2 yg comel like me :'p Hahah kBYE!